Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July in 2014

So technically today was July 4th but we technically always have some holidays the day after the actual holiday but that's perfectly fine with me. All that matters is that my Aunt Sheila makes in town. I love spending time with her. It's defiantly one of my favorite things. 
July 4th seems like such a fun holiday but lets be honest the best holiday is Christmas! Speaking of Christmas.....can you tell me how many day until Christmas? Don't google it just think about it and at the end of this page you can check your answer. :) 

So what is the meaning of Independence Day

Independence Day, also commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States of America commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain (now officially known as the United Kingdom). Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworksparades,barbecuescarnivalsfairspicnicsconcertsbaseball gamesfamily reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.

Does that make sense now? Okay good then we can move on. 

I do love the fact that during most holidays my family gets all together, family is the most important thing to me ever. I would give up anyways to spend one day with them. But then that's the selfish side of me. Think of all the men & women serving overseas fighting for our country, risking their lives, when they have family of their own wondering if they will hopefully get to see them again. I at least know that I can call her anytime I want, text her anytime and FaceTime her. with that said thank God for our military and our Freedom!

As I was on my way home last night, I caught a few fireworks from the freeway so I pulled over, turned my flashers on and stayed there for about oh a whole 2 minutes lol I got HANGRY and I needed Whataburger. I know one thing I had an amazing visit with my Aunt. :) I love her and miss her allll the time every day! Enough of about that jazz! 

In other news; I passed my chemistry and pharm calculation test this weekend. I made a 85 and 95 :) intense. I'm not 55% complete of my certification program. I was looking the other day and I'm actually a little over a month ahead of schedule. At this rate instead of getting my diploma in October i could get it in August! I can't believe I'm so excited! Also starting on Tuesday, I start my psychology degree program at a University. So I'll be double-timing it. Woot Woot. I am so excited. I think I'll do amazing, or at least I hope! Wish me luck! Then after the Pharmacy Technician certification I'm going to start getting my associates in Interior Decorating. That'll because my side job since we all know these days ain't nobody got time to hire a decorator lol I just want that as my backup. I mean that was my original idea of what I wanted to do so why not do it? 

I've been through a lot in my life and I think that if i want to have a bunch of diplomas,degrees, or certification. I mean why not right? I did say do whatever YOU want to do. Don't listen to anyone else's opinion. Go with your gut :) Be who you WANT to be. 

Anyways it's now like oh 6 am. I'm going to finish up some more homework. :) 

Good night, God Bless 'Merica!

Pretty soon it will say::::
   Courtney White. CPht   

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