Saturday, June 28, 2014

randomness in my brain!

I know I haven't posted a blog in a week, but I have been very busy with, well life.

I am very very proud to say that I actually started college to become a Pharmacy Technician then hopefully a Pharmacist later on. :) I will also be getting my certification in Interior Decorating. However I will be doing the Interior Decorating on the side because we all know in this economy ain't nobody got money to decorate their house, but EVERYONE will always need medication. If you know what I mean. LoL

If you know me, then you should not be surprised that I am wanting into the medical field. I didn't want to completely dive into it meaning like a nurse, doctor, that stuff but a Pharmacist is so fascinating to me. All the medication available in this world, what they do, how they work, how much they REALLY cost. All that good stuff. :)

With that said, this blog entry will be about randomness.....

I strongly believe that dreams can ALWAYS become a reality as long as you put your mind to it.

No matter what you should always have dreams. I mean look at me, I went from knocking on God's door to now being 25 years old and just starting college. 

Normally you finish high school, attend college, start your career, get married, have kids, and so on. I on the other hand am just now starting my "normal" life. Yes I have a late start but at least I started right? Who says you can't still accomplish your dreams later in life? No one. 

     The only person that is stopping YOU from doing what YOU want to do is YOURSELF. 

I've seen many people in my life that decide to just settle in what they are doing. Are they happy? Absolutely not. If you aren't happy with what your doing why keep going? Life is to damn short to not be doing what you want. If I just sat there and let my disease take over me, then what kind of life am I really living? A pretty boring one if you ask me.
I know this girl, she has Cystic Fibrosis, had a transplant, she's a little younger than me. Anyways she has been fighting like nobody's business with rejection and what not, and guess what? She opened her own boutique, she has been in the hospital a lot but STILL is doing what she loves and has always dreamed of. Now if that doesn't make you think then I don't know what will. She is such an inspiration to me. She has an amazing heart & soul. She is by far the strongest fighter I know. A lot of it has to do with her faith in God and her hope for a future. Lord knows, I hope to meet her one day! 

Nothing frustrates me more than seeing miserable people working at a job that has to interact with humans. 
I see it as you have a job, a lot of people can't get jobs this day and time. It could be worse, you could not even have a job, you could not be able to work in general. Yes I'm sure your dream isn't to be working at Sonic but everyone has to start at the bottom. 

                   In the words of Drake: I started from da bottom and now I'm here. :)

Dreams should never be overlooked. If you are 50 years old and are JUST now starting a new career path then good for you! It doesn't matter how late you start to accomplish your goals and aspirations. The only thing that matters is that you are doing it. My dream is to become a Interior Decorator and be rich in love and family. and I will do that, maybe not right this second but eventually I will be. Remember my name haha

People have asked me before isn't your dream to not have CF anymore? Ive thought about it and it's a mixed answer. Yes I hope CF will eventually be cured but also no because the about of things this disease has provided me in life I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

                            A lot of my dreams came true because of Cystic Fibrosis. 

I am so extremely blessed to have CF, it's made me have the closest relationship with my family, I have a core group of friends that have been there with and for me since day one, I've got to experience the amazing medical technology that has become so innovative in the past five years. When I start from the beginning and think about what I wouldn't have, had I not been diagnosed with CF, I think my life would honestly suck. LOL 

                     I'm in LOVE with my life just how it is, so no I don't want to change it.

Now that I've wrote or "typed" a bunch of randomness, I need to go back to doing some schoolwork :) oh and my average grade is a 97! A 97 in college! Are you KIDDING me??? I never thought I would say this but I am LOVING college. 

I will be writing a blog once a week for sure, maybe more depending on what is on my mind. 

Thank you for being YOU. Always be yourself, don't change for anyone. Never give up on your dreams. Never lose HOPE. and never ever take ONE breath for granted because well you may not wake up tomorrow.

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